Problem: You don't want to disable download for all the files. You want to have a control over disabling download action on particular files in alfresco.
Solution: Use aspects. We will conditionalize disabling download action on an aspect and then apply that aspect to the file for which we want to disable download.
Here are the steps:
First: Disable the top right corner Download button
Step 1) Stop alfresco server
Step 2) Create an XML file called hide-download-pdf.xml under
<id>Hide Download Buttons</id>
Step 3) Create a file node-header.get.js with the following under
<import resource="classpath:/alfresco/templates/org/alfresco/import/alfresco-util.js">
var nodeDetails = AlfrescoUtil.getNodeDetails(model.nodeRef,, null, model.libraryRoot);
var count =["cm:autoVersion"];
if (count != undefined)
model.showDownload = "false";
Step 4) Restart alfresco server.
Go to a file in Alfresco -> Click Manage Aspects from the details options -> add cm:versionable aspect -> Hit Apply changes. You will see that the Download button will disappear
Second: Disable the Download action from browse options:
Step 1) Stop alfresco server
Step 2) To create a custom evaluator for an aspect, create an XML file custom-action-context.xml under
<ALF HOME>/tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco/web-extension folder.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<bean id="custom.evaluator.doclib.hasversionable" class="org.alfresco.web.evaluator.HasAspectEvaluator">
<property name="aspects">
Step 3) Add the following to share-config-custom.xml under
<config evaluator="string-compare" condition="DocLibActions">
<action id="document-download" type="link" label="">
<param name="href">{downloadUrl}</param>
<evaluator negate=true>custom.evaluator.doclib.hasversionable</evaluator >
Step 4) Restart alfresco server.
Go to a file in Alfresco -> Click Manage Aspects from the details options -> add cm:versionable aspect -> Hit Apply changes. You will see that the Download action from browse menu disappeared