Attaching documents to a node

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Active Member II

Attaching documents to a node

Hi all,

i would to attach some external documents to an existing node. The documents can be also only downloaded and not obligatorilly viewed inside alfresco content service. Is there a way to do this? Thanks!

2 Replies
Alfresco Employee

Re: Attaching documents to a node

You may create a custom model for it, including some properties using d:noderef type to link the attachments.

Hyland Developer Evangelist
Senior Member

Re: Attaching documents to a node

The best way, as @angelborroy said, is to create a custom model and custom views for it. Example:

      <aspect name="test:myAttachable">
         <title>My cusotm attachable file</title>
            <child-association name="test:myAttachableConection">
               <title>Connection to original file</title>

But if you are interested only in the attaching part you can create only a child-association in Java/JS

Alfresco Developer