Audits for node permissions via manage permissions And group/role change audits

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Active Member II

Audits for node permissions via manage permissions And group/role change audits

Hi all,


I looking to Audit node permissions and group/role change audit recordings. In out of the box it's not capturing audit's properly so I want to record it. But I'm not getting OOB files to extend and make changes to record it. can anyone of you please help to get the oob files to record the audit's.


1 Reply
Member II

Re: Audits for node permissions via manage permissions And group/role change audits

I have to tell you that you're trying to implement auditing for node permissions and group/role changes in a system that doesn't have this functionality built-in. In order to do this, you would likely need to create custom code to track and record these changes.

You can start by identifying the point in the system's code where these changes are being made and then add code to record the changes. Alternatively, you can use a package or library that provides auditing functionality for your specific platform, such as Audit.js for Node.js.

It is also good idea to check for any third party libraries or tools that are available for this specific use-case, which you can use to extend the existing system and record the audits. Run Your Pool App