Editing with libreoffice: The WOPISrc file id does not match any of the files in the filesystem.

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Active Member II

Editing with libreoffice: The WOPISrc file id does not match any of the files in the filesystem.

I'm trying to setup Libreoffice Online to work with Alfresco.

https://localhost:9980/loleaflet/d00c638/loleaflet.html?file_path=file:///usr/src/online/test/data/h... works ok and I've managed to set it up it so that I have a LibreOffice button in the document library but I am unable to open any documents. (Failed to read document from storage server).

In the logs I find:

wsd-23989-25902 2019-07-08 11:35:39.912244 [ docbroker_001 ] DBG Getting info for wopi uri [https://alfresco.****/wopi/files/cf55acb0-e182-48cb-9b1f-40439f91c15c?access_token=pjom9prc6l8rhaiv9khgt1dgra&access_token_ttl=1562250959204&permission=edit].| wsd/Storage.cpp:431
wsd-23989-25902 2019-07-08 11:35:40.030107 [ docbroker_001 ] ERR WOPI::CheckFileInfo failed with 404 Not Found| wsd/Storage.cpp:465
wsd-23989-25902 2019-07-08 11:35:40.058969 [ docbroker_001 ] ERR Failed to add session to [/wopi/files/cf55acb0-e182-48cb-9b1f-40439f91c15c] with URI [https://alfresco.****/wopi/files/cf55acb0-e182-48cb-9b1f-40439f91c15c?access_token=pjom9prc6l8rhaiv9khgt1dgra&access_token_ttl=1562250959204&permission=edit]: WOPI::CheckFileInfo failed| wsd/DocumentBroker.cpp:1093

The file I believe it should be loading is alf_data/contentstore/2018/9/4/9/34/02d003da-dfb6-4a0e-b020-5f536028bbaf.bin

My question is: should the file id cf55acb0-e182-48cb-9b1f-40439f91c15c match the filename 02d003da-dfb6-4a0e-b020-5f536028bbaf.bin or is there some conversion between the two.
How can I find out which file loolwsd is trying to load?


1 Reply
Senior Member

Re: Editing with libreoffice: The WOPISrc file id does not match any of the files in the filesystem.

No, there is no such mapping between file id and the .bin file name.
You can definitely check the cm:content property (through node browser) to find its content store url which is pointing to the file in your alf_data.



