I need to keep the favorite link but don't want to see the like/comments/share from multiple pages like:
I did follow the other link( here) which is removing the favorite link too. Is there any other way to achieve this functionality?
Thanks in advance for your support.
Hi @llavu & welcome to Alfresco!
Did you look at @cesarista blog post on disabling share functionality? This might provide the starting point for you.
@EddieMay Thanks for your response. Yes i did follow the other link which is removing favorite too. trying to find out how we can customize the configuration specific to "like/comment and share" only to remove.
I made some time ago similiar customzation. I did not find any configuration for this so you have to manually override some files in the share module.
Quick steps:
1. Create copy of my-documents.js and docsummary.js, and override renderCellDetail function (you can find it in the share.js) and remove lines which are creating like/comments/share
2. Override my-documents.get.html.ftl and docsummary.get.html.ftl and change JavaScript dependecies
3. Create copy of documentlist.js and remove lines which are creating like/comments/share
4. Override documentlist-v2.get.html.ftl, documentlist.get.html.ftl, myfiles.get.html.ftl, sharedfiles.get.html.ftl and change JavaScript dependecies
Steps 3,4 are for the standard Aflresco Share and 1,2 for the Aikau dashlets
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