Issue with POST 403 Error

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Active Member

Issue with POST 403 Error

I have upgraded/installed the latest version of Alfresco Community Edition using Ansible and RHEL. I am able to see and log into the share/site, but when I try to upload a file or even sort the files already uploaded, I get a 403 (Forbidden) error. It seems like any query by the browser that is a POST, is getting denied. When I look at the console of the browser, I can see the following:

share/proxy/alfresco/api/people/admin/preferences 403 (Forbidden)

I look at the alfresco logs, but I do not see anything that would point me the right direction.

Any suggestions ? Thanks in advance.


4 Replies
Active Member

Re: Issue with POST 403 Error

Forgot to mention. The versions that I am using:

Alfresco Share v20.165
(rnull-b, Aikau 1.0.127, Spring Surf 8.29, Spring WebScripts 8.40, Freemarker 2.3.30, Rhino 1.7.14, Yui 2.9.0-alfresco-20141223)
Alfresco Community v7.4.0
(rdc73418c-b165) schema 18000
Active Member

Re: Issue with POST 403 Error

I have checked and this occurence is for new installs using ansible on RHEL without any modifications. I checked the last three releases on ansible and it always occurs. 

Member II

Re: Issue with POST 403 Error

Having the same issue on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

Member II

Re: Issue with POST 403 Error

Estou com o mesmo problema numa instalação limpa do Ubuntu 22.04. Última versão da comunidade.

Segui os passos abaixo:

 apt-add-repository ppa:ansible/ansible

 apt update

 apt install ansible -y


apt install python3-pip

pip3 install jinja2==3.1.4

pip install --upgrade ansible


git clone

cd alfresco-ansible-deployment


ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml


ansible-playbook -e vault_init=plaintext playbooks/secrets-init.yml


ansible-playbook playbooks/acs.yml -i inventory_local.yml -e "@c
