Junit Test Cases for Alfresco Webscripts

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Junit Test Cases for Alfresco Webscripts

I am trying to write Junit test case for Alfresco webscripts I have written.
I have webscripts which create users, groups, folders and apply group permissions on folders.
1. The folder creation webscript takes CSV file as an input and applied permssions on folders. The file is uploaded on Alfresco repo.
How can I write Junit test cases for this scenario as folders are created dynamically also the CSV contains larger number of folders.
2. For other user and group creation webscripts, the Junit calls on local env works fine but in case of Jenkins pipeline where I am creating custom jar and after that I need to execute JUnit test cases. Here I don't have any Alfresco env to call for.
How do I execute this unit test cases.
Please guide me through this.
Thank you.