When using the REST API, for the endpoint nodes/{nodeId}/children, it is possible to add the parameter includeSource=true in order to get information about the target node.
In the API explorer, the example value for this endpoint is as follows (eluding the non-relevant parts):
"list": {
"pagination": {
"entries": [
"source": {
"id": "string",
"name": "string",
"nodeType": "string",
"path": {
"elements": [
"id": "string",
"name": "string",
"nodeType": "string",
"aspectNames": [
"name": "string",
"isComplete": true
This shows that the source if asked for, should provide its path. It is also present in the Model of the response.
In reality, when testing the request, the source that is sent back does not contain the path.
When fiddling with the request parameters, it is possible to ask for a path, but that will be the path of the entries (children), not the path of the source.
Is there something I am missing in the usage of this endpoint or is the sample data shown in the API explorer wrong?
Thank you,