Trigger/force (re)generation of thumbnails

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Member II

Trigger/force (re)generation of thumbnails

Is there a way to start thumbnail generation for all pictures in a folder?

3 Replies

Re: Trigger/force (re)generation of thumbnails

Good morning.

You can do it by a javascript api, e.g. But Alfresco should do it automatically. Have you got any errors in your log files?


VenziaIT: helping companies since 2005! Our ECM products: AQuA & Seidoc
Member II

Re: Trigger/force (re)generation of thumbnails

Hello @cristinamr and thanks for your help.

I don't have any errors in logs.

When i enter the folder/subfolder with pictures in it form web-ui Alfresco generates small thumbs/previews. And if i open the picture in web-ui it then generates "big" or "medium" preview. But i dont want to open hundreds of files or wait until users enter the folder or open the file for thumbs to be generated. Ideally i could trigger/force thumbs generation on demand after i uploaded a lot of pictures with webdav client.


Re: Trigger/force (re)generation of thumbnails

Hi! I understand. In that case, as I've mentioned in my previous post, you can develop a custom script to generate them.

Let us know if you have further questions.


VenziaIT: helping companies since 2005! Our ECM products: AQuA & Seidoc