Alfresco Community 201802 EA is available for Windows x86_64 bit and Linux x86_64 bit.
For further information, refer to the release notes:Alfresco Community Edition 201802 EA Release Notes
Complete Installation
64-bit Windows Installer (after downloading, follow the simple install instructions for Windows)
(md5: 6d77bae42a89b4795b270807e3a9668f)
64-bit Linux Installer (after downloading, follow the simple install instructions for Linux)
(md5: d7a10b41897e8fab9dce50f22e7b9201)
Maven repository
Alfresco Community 201802 EA artifacts are available in our Maven repository under the versions.
Check the Alfresco Artifacts Repository page to configure Maven accordingly.
You may also want to check the Maven Alfresco SDK project, which provides archetypes to help you start a project easily.
Individual Components and Custom Installs
Records Management
Solr 6 Integration
GoogleDocs Integration
Alfresco Office Services Module
This is a free to use proprietary module licensed under the Alfresco Component License.
Community Provided Packages
These are unofficial packages maintained by members of our open source community. Share your own by commenting on this document.