Alfresco Community 201602 is available for Windows 32 bit, Windows 64 bit, Linux 64 bit, and Mac OS X.
For further information, refer to the Release Notes.
Complete Installation 64-bit Windows installer (after downloading, follow the simple install instructions for Windows)
(md5: 407188570d2f65c36b9b8c231f0e41c1) 32-bit Windows installer (after downloading, follow the simple install instructions for Windows)
(md5: 07de8bcf2273d744005bed170965b3b5) 64-bit Linux Installer (after downloading, follow the simple install instructions for Linux)
(md5: 1591db51b92354c47bcaacae8161bdf9) Mac installer (after downloading, follow the simple install instructions for MacIntosh)
(md5: 5e9ce7689ca3696ba0c695a75c2cc558)
Maven repository
Alfresco Community 201602 artifacts are available in our Maven repository under the version *5.1.e*.
Check the Alfresco_Artifacts_Repository page to configure Maven accordingly.
The Maven repository provides direct download to individual artifacts that were previously only available in separate zip files. For instance:
You may also want to check the Maven Alfresco SDK project, which provides archetypes to help you start a project easily.
Individual Components and Custom Installs
Records Management
GoogleDocs Integration
Alfresco Office Services Module
This is a free to use proprietary module licensed under the Alfresco Component License.
Community Provided Packages
Please link to your package below:
File | Description | Feedback Method |
Alfresco Ubuntu Install | Complete installation script for install on Ubuntu Servers | File issues in Issue tracker |
example_package | Example Package | alfresco-package-feedback AT example DOT com |
Community Edition