Export and Import Command Line Tools

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Export and Import Command Line Tools

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Obsolete Pages{{Obsolete}}

The official documentation is at: http://docs.alfresco.com




Usage: export -user username -s[tore] store [options] packagename

username: username for login
store: the store to extract from in the form of scheme://store_name
packagename: the filename to export to (with or without extension)

-h[elp] display this help
-p[ath] the path within the store to extract from (default: /)
-d[ir] the destination directory to export to (default: current directory)
-pwd password for login
-packagedir the directory to place extracted content (default: dir/<packagename>)
-nochildren do not extract children
-overwrite force overwrite of existing export package if it already exists
-quiet do not display any messages during export
-verbose report export progress

For example:

export -user admin -pwd admin -s workspace://SpacesStore -verbose SpacesStore.acp



Usage: import -user username -s[tore] store [options] packagename

username: username for login
store: the store to import into the form of scheme://store_name
packagename: the filename to import from (with or without extension)

-h[elp] display this help
-p[ath] the path within the store to import into (default: /)
-d[ir] the source directory to import from (default: current directory)
-pwd password for login
-encoding package file encoding (default: windows-1252)
-quiet do not display any messages during import
-verbose report import progress

For example:

import -user admin -pwd admin -s workspace://SpacesStore -verbose SpacesStore.acp

import -user admin -pwd admin -s workspace://SpacesStore -verbose SpacesStore.xml