Is-it possible to edit word document from an ADF app ?
I'm using alfresco-community edition 5.2 for backend app
and alfresco/adf-content-services 2.3.0 with Angular 5 for frontend
I found documentation about Word Office or open office but it's for action from Share not from ADF app
Thank you in advance
Hi ADF viewer has a concept of extensibility.
The community has created this extension that will allow you to solve this problem
Hello Eugenio Romano,
I tried following adf-aos-editonline-action documentation to create the "Edit on MS Office" feature, and I'm currently having this error,
ERROR Error: "StaticInjectorError[AlfrescoApiService]:
NullInjectorError: No provider for AlfrescoApiService!"
this is my app.module.ts
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { BrowserAnimationsModule } from '@angular/platform-browser/animations';
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { RouterModule } from '@angular/router';
import { appRoutes } from './app.routes';
import { PreviewService } from './services/preview.service';
import { FileViewComponent } from './file-view/file-view.component';
// ADF modules
import { AdfModule } from './adf.module';
// App components
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
import { HomeComponent } from './home/home.component';
import { LoginComponent } from './login/login.component';
import { DocumentlistComponent } from './documentlist/documentlist.component';
import { AppLayoutComponent } from './app-layout/app-layout.component';
import { AosModule } from 'adf-aos-editonline-action';
import { AlfrescoApiService } from '@alfresco/adf-core';
imports: [
appRoutes ,
{ enableTracing: false } // <-- debugging purposes only
// ADF modules
declarations: [
providers: [
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {
Hi Roman,
Why is AlfrescoApiService in your providers?
Hi David,
Because I thought that would be the fix, cause it's saying that there is no provider for the AlfrescoApiService in the error
Hi Roman,
I use the same extension to edit files online, but the complete module didn't work for me either. To be honest, I don't remember what the exact problem was. I think that the module is specifically made for ADF 1.8.0 & ADF 1.9.0 .
I solved it this way:
The code of the service itself works perfect.
Hi, thank you for answer,
but I use adf-content-services 2.6.0, is-it compatible ?
In my case, I have following screen :
Is it possible to show it with document in "edition mode" ?
I try to use WEBODF (https://webodf.org/) or libreoffice option to do it
is it possible to do that or must I use ng2-alfresco-aos-editonline - npm ?
I don't understand how to implement adf-extension in my case
<adf-viewer-extension [supportedExtensions]="['odt']" #extension>
<ng-template let-urlFileContent="urlFileContent" >
?????? <my-custom-txt-component ????????
Thank you in advance
This extension is handled by the community I suggest you open an issue on their GitHub repo. You can may also help in debug or solve the problem
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