Setting up adf-search-control

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Member II

Setting up adf-search-control

I have an existing Angular 6 app that I am incorporating the adf-search-control into without using the yeoman generator. Currently, I've solved all errors but the control does show but it is rendered in the html when I inspect the elements on the page.

Steps I took:

  1. installed npm packages:
    1. @alfresco/adf-core, @alfresco/adf-content-services, @alfresco/adf-process-services, & alfresco-js-api
  2. installed dependencies:
    1. moment-es6
    2. @mat-datetimepicker/core & @mat-datetimepicker/moment
    3. @ngx-translate/core
    4. rxjs-compat
    5. minimatch-browser
  3. I imported three modules in my app.module.ts file:
    1. ContentModule, ProcessModule, & CoreModule
  4. I imported the component module on my shared controls file shared.module.ts
    1. SearchModule (into imports & exports)
  5. I coded the search component on the page:
    1. <adf-search-control [highlight]="true"

But it's not visible on the page. I also do not know how to hook this up to a query. Any help would be much appreciated.

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