We want to (thank and) reward our ADF contributors!

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We want to (thank and) reward our ADF contributors!

Alfresco Employee
9 5 7,132

Are you a developer and would like to contribute to the Alfresco's Angular Open Source framework?

Do you plan to do a Pull Request on the ADF source code or the JS-API source code?

If this is the case, we are very glad to remind you that the entire ADF project is Open Source and its contributions are welcome. The ADF Team is happy to receive your contributions: could be an issue found during the development or an experimentation, could be a bug fix, could be anything else will make the project better for our eco-system of developers.

To thank you for the active contributions, we want to give you back something. We want to recognise your help with something small, but meaningful. To everyone that will do a Pull Request, and will be accepted, we will send a t-shirt or a similar gift as a reward.

We want the ADF project to be an open supported framework by the broad community of Alfresco Developers.

References of the ADF project

Below you can find a brief list of references to help you understand the most relevant resources for the ADF Project.

Official GitHub Project - alfresco-ng2-components

Getting started guides 

Gitter channel on ADF 

ADF Component Catalog 


ADF App Generator 

How to contribute to the ADF project

Code contribution acceptance criteria · Alfresco/alfresco-ng2-components Wiki · GitHub 

Working with the development branch · Alfresco/alfresco-ng2-components Wiki · GitHub 

How to get in touch

Please refer to the Alfresco issue tracker for the known issues you might be interested to work on.

If you have any questions, please contact us using gitter .

About the Author
Content Management and Business Intelligence Specialist | @Alfresco and @Pentaho blogger | Inventor and principal developer of #AAAR